Adapt the floating collar to your needs

One of the biggest advantages of the Hvalpsund ring is the opportunity you have to design the various products for your unique needs. For example, we have the opportunity to adapt the fastening of the jumping net to different needs and conditions. In the picture below you see an example of a floating collar with a raised PE eye.
No other floating collar on the market has as great opportunities for variation and special adaptation as the Hvalpsund ring.

Casper has observed fish farms across all continents of the world

Casper Guldberg Petersen has worked in the fishing and aquaculture industry since 2003. With Mørenot Denmark, formerly Hvalpsund Net, Casper has traveled all over the world to visit customers in the aquaculture industry.

- We have always asked our customers what they want from alternative solutions to what they can get on the market today. The Hvalpsund ring has thus been created on the basis of feedback from customers.
- Casper Guldberg Petersen, Segmentleder - Mørenot Aquaculture